Drooping, hooked earrings from the Mandu jewelry line with stunning, turquoise details. Jewelry name Etto is derived from the Nepalese language.
Jewelry height without hook 38 mm, width 20 mm.
Nickel-free material Jewelry alloy.
By buying Mandu jewelry, you are supporting employment in Nepal.
Mandu jewelry is handmade in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. The jewelry has gained the Fairtrade brand. Mandu jewelry is flashy and light and has a lot of unique details. Mandu jewelry is made of jewelry alloy and is nickel-free in accordance with EU legislation.
See all Mandu series Jewelry here.
Mandu has a 1-year warranty.
Mandu’s goal is to do preventative and helpful work with vulnerable people. Nepal is one of the poorest and the least developed countries in the world, with a quarter of its population living below the poverty line. Poverty and unemployment increase the risk of being trafficked. By buying Mandu jewelry, you are offering work in Nepal.
Jewelry made of jewelry alloy
A jewelry alloy is an alloy of several different metals that can be used to make jewelry of different colors. If you are particularly sensitive to nickel, we only recommend steel jewelry and silver jewelry.